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The US was ready to bomb and shape the Middle East.In Ukraine it seems selfish | Randeep Ramesh

ITwenty years after the Second Iraq War, America looks like a Bourbon king who learned nothing and forgot nothing. The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq has been a story of geopolitical failure and domestic political disaster. To understand the reckless decision to start a war, you must first understand America’s grand strategy. world hegemonypursued by Washington since 1945.

The “war on terrorism” provided political cover for the further pursuit of hegemony, even as it threatened democratic governments with lies, deceit and violence.George W. Bush’s reckless behavior inspired some tweet of concern Regarding the damage caused these faded From the corridor of power. Instead, the United States refused to move on, believing the country was either “for us or against us.”

The key to America’s strength lies in its ability to dominate the three most important regions of the world for security and economic reasons: Western Europe, East Asia and the Middle East.America’s Power Depends on Preventing the Emergence of a Dominant Power Rivals in Eurasia Or a single power in the Gulf that controls most of the world’s oil reserves. Nonetheless, the current coalitions that are emerging are likely to lead to these outcomes.

As history suggests, when one power becomes too powerful, it is defeated by the balancing efforts of other powers.Vladimir Putin’s illegal and bloody Invasion of Ukraine It highlights how conflicts are viewed differently between U.S. allies and the rest of the world.It is the latter’s growing trade with Moscow that is helping Russia fend off western sanctions For everything from oils to microchips. This, along with the rise of China, exposed the United States’ attempt to maintain the “unipolar” power in the international political system it had gained after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.

The United States paints the arrival of a multipolar and ideologically diverse world as a moment of great danger. The more powers there are, the greater the number of conflicts and the more likely wars will break out. The opposite is also true in countries such as: Turkey and India Act to avoid choosing one side in a dispute. States freed from U.S. policy of involving rising powers in a set of rules designed to benefit Washington may find better terms elsewhere. transaction The revival of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran negotiated by China this month underscores the escalating Sino-US confrontation.

In world affairs, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But policy must be judged by its consequences. Since the 1970s, US strategy has been to keep Moscow out of the Middle East. The disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq provided an incentive for other powers to enter the region.By 2016, there was a Saudi-Russian oil partnership, Russian support for the Iranian regime, and the Russian military. . Presence in SyriaThat year, the United States chose to elect either the anti-China candidate, Donald Trump, or the anti-Russian candidate, Hillary Clinton. Now led by President Joe Biden, it seems willing to take on both huge rivals at once, believing that the United States is only safe in a like-minded world. democracyThe Manichean nature of US foreign policy, articulated in Bush’s rhetoric, has not disappeared.

The capricious and selfish nature of America’s power is well known to friends and foes alike. The US was ready to split with its old allies in order to bomb the Middle East and shape it accordingly. Washington had little time for French and German diplomatic protests against the illegality of the Iraq war. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed.of political system The war planted in Iraq by Washington has intensified the division and rendered it virtually unruly.While Iraqi oil is flowing into world markets, about $150 billion Illegally sucked. A handful of US troops remain to keep Islamic State at bay, but Baghdad’s real power lies in Tehran. Iran’s allied militias have the deciding vote in Iraqi politics. The US can undo Iraq’s failures. Shale oil and gas boom made the country an energy powerhouse.

The United States has never lost its passion for being the world’s sheriff. Against the backdrop of the Arab Spring, Barack Obama redeployed US troops to Libya in 2011. German disagreement About a mission adrift in the UN Security Council toward unannounced goals of regime change and a bloody civil war.We’re screwed American withdrawal Attacks from Afghanistan in 2021 have shocked the UK, which has suffered the second highest casualties among Western countries to keep the Taliban out. As to the prudence of allowing extremists to invade Kabul, London’s views were held to be irrelevant.

There is a caveat in Iraq’s recent woes with Ukraine. Success is supreme in American politics, and there are no binding moral laws. For all talk of “unwavering support”, there are domestic constraints on US war victims that Iraq helped resuscitate.Biden won’t meet Americans army Fight with the Russian ones. It will be World War III.his officials are already talked about the plan For the post-war order of the Eastern European Plain. This is understandably unnerving for the Kiev regime, which believes it is necessary to cede territories to Russia in an early end to the war.

But Washington has already achieved three key foreign policy goals. First, Putin is now a pariah in European eyes.Second, the United States kick out russia As Europe’s largest gas supplier, it freed the NATO powerhouse from its energy dependence on Moscow. Third, Germany’s industrial power, the engine of the Eurozone, will not be as dependent on the Baltic transit of Russian gas as Berlin has bet. EU is America’s more flexible allies future.

The US would not want to appear to be pulling the carpet from under Kiev. But history suggests that Washington prefers an imperfect peace to perpetual war.Biden support the invasion of Iraq, has not forgotten that Obama came to power as an anti-war candidate.he would be looking over his shoulder at a republican presidential candidate Those who argue that protecting Ukraine is not in the vital interests of the United States. Even if Ukraine’s victory is now declared, it still means the country needs to be rebuilt. $300 billion in assets of the Central Bank of Russia It is currently frozen in the hands of the G7 countries and the EU.

Washington wouldn’t want to keep pace, either. public opinion For too long in a large area of ​​the earth. Iraq has shown that international politics is not an ideological crusade of good versus evil. Putin’s aggression has revived solidarity in the West. But Washington should stop pretending that a global victory for American hegemony is within reach again.

Summarize this content to 100 words ITwenty years after the Second Iraq War, America looks like a Bourbon king who learned nothing and forgot nothing. The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq has been a story of geopolitical failure and domestic political disaster. To understand the reckless decision to start a war, you must first understand America’s grand strategy. world hegemonypursued by Washington since 1945.The “war on terrorism” provided political cover for the further pursuit of hegemony, even as it threatened democratic governments with lies, deceit and violence.George W. Bush’s reckless behavior inspired some tweet of concern Regarding the damage caused these faded From the corridor of power. Instead, the United States refused to move on, believing the country was either “for us or against us.”The key to America’s strength lies in its ability to dominate the three most important regions of the world for security and economic reasons: Western Europe, East Asia and the Middle East.America’s Power Depends on Preventing the Emergence of a Dominant Power Rivals in Eurasia Or a single power in the Gulf that controls most of the world’s oil reserves. Nonetheless, the current coalitions that are emerging are likely to lead to these outcomes.As history suggests, when one power becomes too powerful, it is defeated by the balancing efforts of other powers.Vladimir Putin’s illegal and bloody Invasion of Ukraine It highlights how conflicts are viewed differently between U.S. allies and the rest of the world.It is the latter’s growing trade with Moscow that is helping Russia fend off western sanctions For everything from oils to microchips. This, along with the rise of China, exposed the United States’ attempt to maintain the “unipolar” power in the international political system it had gained after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.The United States paints the arrival of a multipolar and ideologically diverse world as a moment of great danger. The more powers there are, the greater the number of conflicts and the more likely wars will break out. The opposite is also true in countries such as: Turkey and India Act to avoid choosing one side in a dispute. States freed from U.S. policy of involving rising powers in a set of rules designed to benefit Washington may find better terms elsewhere. transaction The revival of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran negotiated by China this month underscores the escalating Sino-US confrontation.In world affairs, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But policy must be judged by its consequences. Since the 1970s, US strategy has been to keep Moscow out of the Middle East. The disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq provided an incentive for other powers to enter the region.By 2016, there was a Saudi-Russian oil partnership, Russian support for the Iranian regime, and the Russian military. . Presence in SyriaThat year, the United States chose to elect either the anti-China candidate, Donald Trump, or the anti-Russian candidate, Hillary Clinton. Now led by President Joe Biden, it seems willing to take on both huge rivals at once, believing that the United States is only safe in a like-minded world. democracyThe Manichean nature of US foreign policy, articulated in Bush’s rhetoric, has not disappeared.The capricious and selfish nature of America’s power is well known to friends and foes alike. The US was ready to split with its old allies in order to bomb the Middle East and shape it accordingly. Washington had little time for French and German diplomatic protests against the illegality of the Iraq war. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed.of political system The war planted in Iraq by Washington has intensified the division and rendered it virtually unruly.While Iraqi oil is flowing into world markets, about $150 billion Illegally sucked. A handful of US troops remain to keep Islamic State at bay, but Baghdad’s real power lies in Tehran. Iran’s allied militias have the deciding vote in Iraqi politics. The US can undo Iraq’s failures. Shale oil and gas boom made the country an energy powerhouse.The United States has never lost its passion for being the world’s sheriff. Against the backdrop of the Arab Spring, Barack Obama redeployed US troops to Libya in 2011. German disagreement About a mission adrift in the UN Security Council toward unannounced goals of regime change and a bloody civil war.We’re screwed American withdrawal Attacks from Afghanistan in 2021 have shocked the UK, which has suffered the second highest casualties among Western countries to keep the Taliban out. As to the prudence of allowing extremists to invade Kabul, London’s views were held to be irrelevant.There is a caveat in Iraq’s recent woes with Ukraine. Success is supreme in American politics, and there are no binding moral laws. For all talk of “unwavering support”, there are domestic constraints on US war victims that Iraq helped resuscitate.Biden won’t meet Americans army Fight with the Russian ones. It will be World War III.his officials are already talked about the plan For the post-war order of the Eastern European Plain. This is understandably unnerving for the Kiev regime, which believes it is necessary to cede territories to Russia in an early end to the war.But Washington has already achieved three key foreign policy goals. First, Putin is now a pariah in European eyes.Second, the United States kick out russia As Europe’s largest gas supplier, it freed the NATO powerhouse from its energy dependence on Moscow. Third, Germany’s industrial power, the engine of the Eurozone, will not be as dependent on the Baltic transit of Russian gas as Berlin has bet. EU is America’s more flexible allies future.The US would not want to appear to be pulling the carpet from under Kiev. But history suggests that Washington prefers an imperfect peace to perpetual war.Biden support the invasion of Iraq, has not forgotten that Obama came to power as an anti-war candidate.he would be looking over his shoulder at a republican presidential candidate Those who argue that protecting Ukraine is not in the vital interests of the United States. Even if Ukraine’s victory is now declared, it still means the country needs to be rebuilt. $300 billion in assets of the Central Bank of Russia It is currently frozen in the hands of the G7 countries and the EU.Washington wouldn’t want to keep pace, either. public opinion For too long in a large area of ​​the earth. Iraq has shown that international politics is not an ideological crusade of good versus evil. Putin’s aggression has revived solidarity in the West. But Washington should stop pretending that a global victory for American hegemony is within reach again.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/18/middle-east-ukraine-washington-iraq-kyiv The US was ready to bomb and shape the Middle East.In Ukraine it seems selfish | Randeep Ramesh

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