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They Leak About It On TikTok To Stop Living On A Paycheck

Some brave souls are trying novel strategies to tackle the age-old struggle to stop paycheck-to-paycheck.

In a short video, people start by revealing their take home income and reduce it to near zero by listing food, rent, credit card, utility bills, savings and streaming bills in 60 seconds. . Called the “payday routine,” the rules detail expenses such as groceries, dining out, drinks, car payments, and travel. The hashtag #paydayroutine has been viewed 52.9 million times to date.

Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved to Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Summarize this content to 100 words listen to the article(2 minutes)Some brave souls are trying novel strategies to tackle the age-old struggle to stop paycheck-to-paycheck.In a short video, people start by revealing their take home income and reduce it to near zero by listing food, rent, credit card, utility bills, savings and streaming bills in 60 seconds. . Called the “payday routine,” the rules detail expenses such as groceries, dining out, drinks, car payments, and travel. The hashtag #paydayroutine has been viewed 52.9 million times to date.Copyright ©2023 All rights reserved to Dow Jones & Company, Inc. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
https://www.wsj.com/articles/to-stop-living-paycheck-to-paycheck-they-spill-about-it-on-tiktok-28d659a2?mod=rss_markets_main They Leak About It On TikTok To Stop Living On A Paycheck

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