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U.S. maternal mortality rate has more than doubled in the last 20 years: SHOT

Maternal mortality is consistently highest among black women. However, it is also on the rise among other racial groups.

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

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JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

Maternal mortality is consistently highest among black women. However, it is also on the rise among other racial groups.

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

The number of deaths from pregnancy-related causes in the United States has reportedly more than doubled over the past 20 years. New research published in JAMA, of Journal of the American Medical Association.

And while mortality rates remain “unacceptably high in all racial and ethnic groups across the United States,” the study found that the worst results were among black women, Native Americans, and Alaska Natives. there were.

The study looks at state-by-state data from 2009 to 2019. Dr. Alison BryantAn obstetrician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston says the U.S. maternal mortality rate is getting worse.

“And this is exacerbated for those who have historically been underserved or where systemic racism has had a major impact,” she says.

Maternal mortality is consistently the highest among black women, and that high mortality rate has more than doubled over the past 20 years. For Native Americans and Alaska Natives, that percentage is three times higher than hers.

Dr. Gregory Ross, A PhD from the University of Washington is also a co-author of the paper. Efforts to stop maternal deaths have stalled, he said, not only in areas such as the South, where mortality rates are generally high. “We found that even in places where people thought they were in good health, they were getting worse,” he says.

Deaths among black and Latino mothers increased in places such as New York and New Jersey. More Asian mothers died in Wyoming and Montana. And while maternal mortality rates are lower for white women, they are increasing in some parts of the country.

“We’re also seeing an increase in maternal mortality among white women across the South, parts of New England, and parts of the Midwest and Northern Highlands,” he says.

The steady increase in maternal mortality in the United States contrasts with other high-income countries. much lower interest rates falling even more.

“There are very impressive, very sharp graphs out there,” says Bryant. Countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Japan are clearly declining. “And far above all of them, going in the opposite direction is the United States,” she says.

Most maternal deaths are considered preventable by state review boards. Dr. Catherine Sponge, Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center say pregnancy-related deaths can be caused by a variety of causes. The biggest risk factors, she says, are conditions such as cardiovascular disease, severe pre-eclampsia, maternal heart disease, and bleeding.

Persistent heart problems and mental health conditions can also contribute to death in new mothers.

The researchers say that if more women have access to postnatal care, doctors will be more likely to address these health conditions.

About half of births in the United States are paid for by Medicaid, and “the majority of deaths occur shortly after birth,” Ross said. “If you don’t have easy access to medical care during this time, you are at very high risk.”

For those who receive medical care through Medicaid, medical coverage continues for at least two months after the birth of the child. Starting in 2021, states have the option to extend their coverage for one year. So far, 36 states and Washington, D.C. have done so. States with the highest increases in maternal deaths, such as Alabama and Mississippi, did not.

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Maternal mortality is consistently highest among black women. However, it is also on the rise among other racial groups.

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

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JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

Maternal mortality is consistently highest among black women. However, it is also on the rise among other racial groups.

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Tetra Images RF

The number of deaths from pregnancy-related causes in the United States has reportedly more than doubled over the past 20 years. New research published in JAMA, of Journal of the American Medical Association. And while mortality rates remain “unacceptably high in all racial and ethnic groups across the United States,” the study found that the worst results were among black women, Native Americans, and Alaska Natives. there were. The study looks at state-by-state data from 2009 to 2019. Dr. Alison BryantAn obstetrician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston says the U.S. maternal mortality rate is getting worse. “And this is exacerbated for those who have historically been underserved or where systemic racism has had a major impact,” she says.

Maternal mortality is consistently the highest among black women, and that high mortality rate has more than doubled over the past 20 years. For Native Americans and Alaska Natives, that percentage is three times higher than hers. Dr. Gregory Ross, A PhD from the University of Washington is also a co-author of the paper. Efforts to stop maternal deaths have stalled, he said, not only in areas such as the South, where mortality rates are generally high. “We found that even in places where people thought they were in good health, they were getting worse,” he says.

Deaths among black and Latino mothers increased in places such as New York and New Jersey. More Asian mothers died in Wyoming and Montana. And while maternal mortality rates are lower for white women, they are increasing in some parts of the country. “We’re also seeing an increase in maternal mortality among white women across the South, parts of New England, and parts of the Midwest and Northern Highlands,” he says. The steady increase in maternal mortality in the United States contrasts with other high-income countries. much lower interest rates falling even more. “There are very impressive, very sharp graphs out there,” says Bryant. Countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Japan are clearly declining. “And far above all of them, going in the opposite direction is the United States,” she says.

Most maternal deaths are considered preventable by state review boards. Dr. Catherine Sponge, Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center say pregnancy-related deaths can be caused by a variety of causes. The biggest risk factors, she says, are conditions such as cardiovascular disease, severe pre-eclampsia, maternal heart disease, and bleeding. Persistent heart problems and mental health conditions can also contribute to death in new mothers. The researchers say that if more women have access to postnatal care, doctors will be more likely to address these health conditions.

About half of births in the United States are paid for by Medicaid, and “the majority of deaths occur shortly after birth,” Ross said. “If you don’t have easy access to medical care during this time, you are at very high risk.” For those who receive medical care through Medicaid, medical coverage continues for at least two months after the birth of the child. Starting in 2021, states have the option to extend their coverage for one year. So far, 36 states and Washington, D.C. have done so. States with the highest increases in maternal deaths, such as Alabama and Mississippi, did not.

https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/07/04/1185904749/u-s-maternal-deaths-keep-rising-heres-who-is-most-at-risk U.S. maternal mortality rate has more than doubled in the last 20 years: SHOT

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