Home Education Useful Tips to Get the Job You Want Without Relevant Experience

Useful Tips to Get the Job You Want Without Relevant Experience


To get a job, in 90% of cases, you need experience. Well, experience presupposes that the applicant has worked for some time in the specialty. It is an eternal vicious circle: students can not, and managers do not want. How to get a decent job without experience? Let’s figure it out.

What to write in your resume

A good resume is half the battle, so make sure that it has all the right information. There is no need to try to write a universal resume. It is better to adapt it for each desired position by making several copies. If the document turns out to be quite short, remember about the internships, volunteer programs, specialized courses. All this, with some reservations, can be put in the Experience section of your resume.

According to Writemyessays, it would be a mistake to list absolutely every achievement since high school. This is unnecessary information. Focus on listing victories directly or indirectly related to the position you intend to take.

Try to fit all your data on one page. Reducing the font size rarely helps. Small print is poorly perceived visually. Do not forget about formatting as well: lists, subsections, and margins should be properly formatted.

Include a motivation letter with a short story about yourself. This aspect is often overlooked by candidates. A strong motivational letter increases your chances of being invited for an interview. Tell what you will be useful to the company and what you are willing to do when you get the position you want. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself.

What you should avoid in your resume

Beware of specifying false information in the document. As a rule, HR and heads of the enterprises not for nothing require that job applicants have a certain length of service. Its complete absence will certainly be found out.

If the employer notices that the employee doesn’t perform his duties well, or is floating in professional matters, he can check the validity of the information, specified in the resume. If he finds it untrue, the boss will fire you, and you’ll be lucky if he doesn’t put you on the “blacklist”.

Also, don’t write too much. Unnecessary information about your relatives and their achievements, details of your hobbies – this is superfluous. Employers do not want to learn all your background, they just need to know if you are suitable for a particular position or not.

The importance of social networking

More HR specialists are looking at the personal pages of job seekers before making a final decision. So while you’re in the job search process, make your social media pages look appropriate.

  1. Limit outsiders’ access to frivolous material, vacation photos.
  2. Add some information to the page about your studies, information that shows your interest in professional development.
  3. Choose a more succinct (but not too austere) page design.

In short, you need to make sure your Instagram or Facebook page doesn’t scare away serious people but attracts them.

Fears of the phone interview

Don’t really expect to avoid it. In most cases, HR prefers to conduct a preliminary interview over the phone before inviting the applicant to the company’s office. This is a good chance to make a favorable first impression.

  1. During the conversation try not to worry, stay positive and calm.
  2. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, be polite.
  3. Answer questions willingly and honestly, even if the answers are on the resume you sent to the company.
  4. Inquire about hours of work, working conditions, and salary arrangements.

When you receive an invitation for a personal interview, ask for all necessary information about the vacancy and the upcoming meeting.

How to Get a Face-to-Face Interview

HR often asks job seekers what attracted them to a particular company. The question is worth getting well prepared to answer. Therefore, when preparing for the meeting, be sure to check the official website of the company. Read the information about it available in open sources.

Also, consider the following:

  1. Being late for a meeting is bad form. Punctuality and commitment are often valued by employers even more than experience.
  2. HR responds positively to the business style of dress, and poorly to ripped jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers painted in bright colors.
  3. YouTube and other resources have a lot of interviews, both real and test ones. It is a good idea to look through them, familiarizing yourself with the typical questions that are asked at such meetings.
  4. Many employers ask personal questions during the interview. You can answer evasively if you don’t want to be frank. But you should respond to the question calmly, without aggression.
  5. Do not be afraid to ask counter questions to HR: this will show your interest in getting the position. You can ask about everything from the break time to the team you will be working for. However, if you ask questions only about salary, vacation, and breaks, you will make a negative impression. Ask about the content of your work, otherwise, there will be a strong feeling that you are not interested in work as such, but only money and rest.
  6. Some recruiting companies offer consultations. This may be useful for job seekers without work experience. They will listen to you, correct your CV, and give you sensible advice in a specific situation. However, such help can cost a pretty penny.

If you end up getting rejected, ask for feedback. This will help you make work on your mistakes and get a better interview next time. Don’t worry if you don’t get hired the first time. Finding a job is difficult, especially if you lack experience in your field. Use these tips to save yourself time and effort, and get you closer to a good position with a good company.

How to get a graduate job

Students and university graduates (who do not know how to get a job with no experience) can use several job search options.

Option 1

Consider areas in which unskilled workers may be needed. It is also worth asking about specific organizations in your city. They practice training yesterday’s students, helping them become serious employees. You may face a lot of competition. But if your aspirations are just as high, you may be able to work your way up.

Option 2

Some firms need employees they can train and pass on their expertise. This is especially true in network sales (clothing, shoes, food, and more). Of course, these won’t be the highest positions with a lot of responsibility, but there are options. In addition, over time you will get the knowledge you need to move up the career ladder.

Option 3

Use the recruitment agency service. These companies are engaged in the search for a suitable person for a certain position in accordance with the requirements of his future employer. To do this, they access existing databases or resort to open search. They also search for people in other databases or social networks.

Option 4

Explore social networks and forums for specific professions (there is always a section for job seekers). In well-known social networks, you can also find a lot of thematic blogs with job search options, as well as entire pages with different offers.

Summing Up

Don’t stop learning new things. Feel the need to change jobs? Don’t be afraid and try. To get results and achieve your desired level of income as quickly as possible, make a detailed plan of action and follow it.