Home Auto What should I do if I have a car accident?

What should I do if I have a car accident?


Every year the number of incidents involving cars is increasing. Nobody is immune from getting into an accident. So no matter how careful you are and no matter how carefully you follow all the rules of the road, you still have a chance to get into an accident. Yes, today cars are much safer than before, and transport and road services are making every effort to reduce the possibility of unpleasant situations, but they will never be completely eradicated. Therefore, you should always be prepared for an unpleasant turn of events and should understand what you need to do if you get into an accident.

To begin with, you do not need to panic and you need to completely stop your vehicle. In no case do not leave the scene of the incident, as this can lead to serious punishment. After you have stopped, examine yourself for personal injury, and then do the same for your passengers. If everything is in order, find a place where you can carefully park, park your car there and turn on your emergency lights. Next, examine the people who were in the other car and determine if they have injuries. If necessary, give them first aid to the best of your ability.

Then call 911 immediately and report that you’ve been in a car accident. Give all the necessary information, mainly how serious the accident is, the location of the accident, and the level of injuries of the victims. Based on this information, the dispatcher will call all the necessary services to you.

While the police are on their way to you, gather all the necessary information. They will include information about the weather and road conditions at the time of the accident, the contact details of the second participant in the accident (name, phone number, address, insurance information). You also need to find out information about the cars that are involved in this incident. It will be a big plus if you can take the contact details of the witnesses of the incident and their affidavits. If possible, take a detailed photo and video report from the scene.

When the police arrive, they will start asking you about what happened. At this point, you do not need to make statements about the accusation towards the second participant in the accident. Just tell them in detail about what happened and how the accident happened. After the employees listen to you, they will have to draw up a protocol of the incident. Your task will be to ensure that it is correctly drawn up and to ensure that the police enter all the contact details of the passengers who were with you at the time of the accident.

Remember that your car must be insured if you are driving. If you get into an accident without insurance, then you will face serious liability. Depending on the state, the penalty for driving without insurance may vary slightly. But there are basic types of fines for this offense that do not change. This is the responsibility for:

  •       Injuries. The penalty for bodily injury will depend on the level of injury involved in the accident who were in the other vehicle. Covering these costs can be quite problematic, given that they can be up to $100,000 per accident.
  •       Material damage. In this case, the costs will depend on the level of damage to the personal property of the owner of the other vehicle and items at the scene of the accident. In this situation, you can lose up to $25,000.

Employees can also issue you a fine for driving without insurance, the amount of which will depend on how many times you commit an offense and on the state where you are located. In addition to all the possible fines, your driver’s license may be suspended, or worse, you may be placed under arrest for a while.

If you are the culprit of an accident, you will cover all possible costs, which may adversely affect your financial condition. Also, if you have an accident without insurance, the cost of your car insurance will increase in the future.

Therefore, it is better to insure your car in advance so that if an unpleasant situation arises, you will have as few legal problems as possible.

If you have no problems with this aspect, then after completing all the actions with the police, it is better to seek medical help. This should be done even if you do not feel any health problems. Some injuries may not be noticeable from the very beginning, but in the future, they will negatively affect your health.

After all these steps, you should notify your insurance company about the incident. The staff will review your case and put forward the conditions under which they are willing to resolve the situation. Before agreeing and signing all the papers, contact a good auto accident lawyer for advice. Perhaps with its help, you can get a better offer from the insurance company.

Summing up, it should be said that you need to be aware of all the nuances of settling an emergency in advance. In this case, you will feel confident and will be able to quickly figure out what you need to do. To do this, it is better to contact an experienced Indiana personal injury attorney even before the accident. He will give you all the information you need and will be able to help you resolve any problems related to the accident if they arise.