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White House under pressure to oust Jair Bolsonaro after Brazil riots

Joe Biden has condemned violent riots in Brazil when the White House is asked by Congress to expel the Latin American country’s former president, Jair Bolsonaro, from the United States.

“Canada, Mexico and the United States condemn the January 8 attack on Brazil’s democracy and the peaceful transfer of power,” U.S. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on Monday. said in a joint statement with the Prime Minister of Justin Trudeau.

They added: Brazil to protect the democratic system. Our government supports the free will of the Brazilian people. ”

BolsonaroThe man, who has faced investigation since his presidency, has been living in self-imposed exile in Florida for about two weeks. He was hospitalized for observation due to “abdominal discomfort,” his wife Michelle posted on social media on Monday.”We are praying for his health and Brazil.”

Several Democratic lawmakers are calling for the former Brazilian president to be expelled from the United States.Questions come after his supporters on Sunday attacked The Capitol, the Supreme Court, and the Presidential Palace where riots very similar to the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.

Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro told CNN, “The United States should not be a haven for this authoritarian who inspired terrorism inside Brazil. He should be sent back to Brazil.”

Prominent progressive lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also called for Bolsonaro’s return to Brazil. “We must stand in solidarity @LulaOfficial‘s democratically elected government,” she wrote on Twitter on Sunday, referring to the country’s president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. I have to.”

Republicans are not joining Bolsonaro’s call for deportation protestIncluding Florida Senator Rick Scott and disgraced Republican Congressman George Santos, whose parents were born in Brazil.

Brazilian politicians on Monday also joined the call to bring Bolsonaro back to the country. Prominent senator Renan Callheiros said his involvement in Sunday’s riots was “undeniable” and called on Brazil’s Supreme Court for the “immediate” extradition of the former president.

The court will consider requests to return Bolsonaro to Brazil within 72 hours.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the United States had not received a formal request from the Brazilian government for Mr Bolsonaro’s domestic status, but would “take it seriously” if asked. added.

He declined to discuss Bolsonaro’s specific immigration status, citing a policy of avoiding details about individual visas.

Biden and Lula spoke by phone on Monday, and the Brazilian leader accepted the US invitation to the White House in early February, according to sources in Washington. For democracy and the free will of the Brazilian people as expressed in the recent Brazilian presidential elections won by President Lula.”

Bolsonaro tried to distance himself from his radical supporters on Sunday night. The former army captain said the attack, which damaged government property and works of art, “crossed the line”.

The State Department declined to comment specifically on Mr Bolsonaro’s visa or status in the United States, but spokesman Ned Price said Monday that foreign leaders and diplomats entering the country on diplomatic visas, known as A visas, He said he could leave the United States in 30 days. Or ask for a renewed visa if you are not doing official business.

“If an A visa holder no longer performs official duties on behalf of the government, the visa holder has 30 days to leave the United States or request a change to another immigration status,” Price said. Told.

“Individuals are subject to removal by the Department of Homeland Security if they have no basis for staying in the United States,” he added.

A former senior U.S. official who worked on immigration said Bolsonaro probably traveled to the U.S. on an existing visa, and it could have been for diplomatic or tourist purposes.

He argued that it would not be easy for the US government to sack Bolsonaro. “It is not easy to legally weed out people who do not want to go to the United States.

He added that Bolsonaro could remain in the country in his new position, including if he finds another job.

Either way, the removal action “could be a lengthy, multi-year effort,” the former official said. “It won’t be a quick process.”

Under U.S. immigration law, individuals can be deported if the Secretary of State determines that they are detrimental to U.S. foreign policy. “The question is whether the Secretary of State will do it,” he said.

Additional reporting by Michael Puller

https://www.ft.com/content/5d27d6ac-9658-43ad-91fc-fe9820db21cd White House under pressure to oust Jair Bolsonaro after Brazil riots

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