Social networks x depressed on Monday, owner that has a mustaine because of the “great cyberrattack.” Musk says in the early X’s post that the attack was launched by “a group and / or state that coordinates.” In the post on the telegram, the Pro-Palestinian group known as the “dark storm team” takes credit for attacks within a few hours. Later on Monday, Though, Musk Business Network That The Moday Who Tracked The Incident On The Face Of Face-Distributed Denial Of Service, or DDOS, Attacks-are Launch By A Coordinated Army of Computers, or A “botnet,” Pummeling a goal Traffic Ciffic in an attempt to overwhelm and taking the system. The botnet is usually widely distributed throughout the world, produces traffic with a geographical IP address, and may include a more difficult mechanism to determine if an intense IP attract is uncontrollable. The raiders often use compromised devices, VPNS, or proxy networks to the Monday, if the Intelligence Strikes are likely to be in the future “this is done in the web protection, which is reacting correctly. As a result, the surprised research. X. Directly Attack IP and more in Subnet X yesterday, “Beaumont,” We do not know that the IP address with the IP address with an IP address originally in the IP address. Volymyrr Zelensky repeatedly began in Russia attacked the neighbor in February 2022. The main campaign donor called Donald! Meanwhile, Trump administration has become warmer with Russia and moves to us from support in a long Ukraine. Musk is involved in this geopolics in context of companies that are different from, spacex, operating Starlink Internet satellite Internet with many states that can handle traffic focus. But one researcher of the famous company, requiring anonymously to speak 20 IP addresses that the IP addresses are used, “whether the Zayo Edwards.”