Home Tech World By Marc Andressen

World By Marc Andressen

World By Marc Andressen

Michael MiCALRELA: Valley that do not know the cable, showing about the people, power, and influence of Silicon Valley. I Michael Calore, Director of Consumer Technology and Culture Here at Wired.Zoë Schifffer: I Zoe Sherhifer, Director of Business and Industry Director: I laure lauren goode. I am a senior writer at Wired.Michael Heat: Today, we are talking about Marc Andressen. He is one of the most important equity capitalists in Silicon Valley. He is also the founder co-founder web netscape and not past, she is the highest democratic donor, and the last year, Andressen has changed the political lines. Today, he was a Trump Administration and has helped with people from Silicon valleys to bring an idea to Trump’s government department. He’s even called himself the unpaid intern of DOGE.Lauren Goode: How is he eating at night?Zoë Schiffer: Yeah, I feel like that’s such a thing that’s someone who’s never been an unpaid intern would say, like, “Ha, ha, Ha. “Michael Calore: Andreassen Pictures eat a lot of Ramens Mie, and I can get it. Now, andressen is not the only person who has a long and successful career in technology. He was also a figure like a delector in the famous industry because Tone tone for culture in Silicon Valley. So, how andressen stop making the turning back on the right in the right of the fiftefish? How did they go from previously supporting clastics / Gore, Kerry / Obama, So important part of Donald Trump transition back to an oval office? Zoe, let’s start this conversation with you. I want to ask you about Sark Andesesen’s Worldview.ZEL: Welcome, and I’ll tell you “comments” made in this podcast, because here’s a climate, we have to do so. Okay, so I want to start by telling us about what I did Andressen call the deal. Have you heard of this? Michael Calore: Yeah.Zoë Schiffer: Do you know what I’m saying? Lauren Goode: “About several podcasts, including honest with the Weiss Bari back in December.marc Andressen [Archival audio]: The agreement is someone else as can usually start the company. You can encounter new technology, in this case, the web browser and all the other things do for Netscape. Everyone thinks a good.Zoë Schiffer: They say that the unsolicited agreement is that you are doing the correct company, and you will make all the money, you look as an impressive figure In the community and you like reputation sterling.marc andressen [Archival audio]: And then at the end of your career, you will be left with this giant money pot, then what you will do is donate to the philanthropy. Those who threw all sin, recovered you as from suspicious types of businesses to the glorious philanthropist, and it’s bow, and everything is very good.

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