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Wyoming Governor vetoes bill banning concealed carry in public schools | Wyoming

republican governor wyomingMark Gordon vetoed a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed guns in public schools and government meetings.

In his veto letter Friday night, Gordon said the bill does not exceed the state constitution's separation of powers provision because any policy, further regulation or clarification of the law can only be implemented by the state government. He said he was concerned that this might happen. wyoming Legislature.

State facilities, including the University of Wyoming, Wyoming State Hospital, and Wyoming School for Boys, were required to seek legislative approval to restrict the carrying of firearms.

The bill “erodes historic local control norms by giving Congress sole authority to micromanage constitutionally protected rights,” Gordon wrote. “If passed, this bill would further clarify the law and give Congress more influence over local firearms regulation.”

Under the bill, the open carry of firearms in schools and government meetings would still be prohibited, and K-12 students would not have been allowed to carry guns at school. If owners had so desired, guns would still be prohibited in prisons, courthouses, police stations, hospitals, and private property.

Public schools, the University of Wyoming and local community colleges that don't serve alcohol would have allowed people to carry concealed firearms if they had a permit. They would also have been allowed to attend meetings, including parliament, without permission.

Supporters argued that continuing to ban guns in schools and public gatherings violates the Second Amendment, which gives citizens the right to bear arms.

Some school districts in Wyoming have allowed school staff to carry guns on campus since the state began allowing them in 2017. Other states that allow permit holders to conceal guns in schools include Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah, according to The National. State Legislature Conference.

Wyoming is one of the most gun-friendly states. The bill passed the state Senate 22-8, dismissing supporters' concerns about allowing guns in areas where they are currently prohibited.

Chris Rothfuss, one of the two Democrats in the Wyoming state Senate, opposed the bill, saying he had not heard from teachers or students about the issue. He appealed to the Republican principle that the government closest to the people governs best. Mike Girau, another Democrat in the chamber, also voted against the bill after initially voting for it.

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Gordon signed four other bills related to gun rights. One of his measures would prohibit credit card processors from using firearms or firearms-related seller category codes and would prohibit government or private entities from keeping firearm registrations through the use of firearms codes. .

Prohibited by other bills red flag gun control law Prohibit enforcement or implementation in Wyoming, amend regulations to make persons with restored firearm rights eligible for concealed carry permits, and reimburse school districts for costs associated with possession of firearms on school property by school personnel. Create an account.

President Gordon also ordered state officials to consider allowing concealed carry inside the Wyoming State Capitol and other state buildings.

Summarize this content to 100 words republican governor wyomingMark Gordon vetoed a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed guns in public schools and government meetings.In his veto letter Friday night, Gordon said the bill does not exceed the state constitution's separation of powers provision because any policy, further regulation or clarification of the law can only be implemented by the state government. He said he was concerned that this might happen. wyoming Legislature.State facilities, including the University of Wyoming, Wyoming State Hospital, and Wyoming School for Boys, were required to seek legislative approval to restrict the carrying of firearms.The bill “erodes historic local control norms by giving Congress sole authority to micromanage constitutionally protected rights,” Gordon wrote. “If passed, this bill would further clarify the law and give Congress more influence over local firearms regulation.”Under the bill, the open carry of firearms in schools and government meetings would still be prohibited, and K-12 students would not have been allowed to carry guns at school. If owners had so desired, guns would still be prohibited in prisons, courthouses, police stations, hospitals, and private property.Public schools, the University of Wyoming and local community colleges that don't serve alcohol would have allowed people to carry concealed firearms if they had a permit. They would also have been allowed to attend meetings, including parliament, without permission.Supporters argued that continuing to ban guns in schools and public gatherings violates the Second Amendment, which gives citizens the right to bear arms.Some school districts in Wyoming have allowed school staff to carry guns on campus since the state began allowing them in 2017. Other states that allow permit holders to conceal guns in schools include Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah, according to The National. State Legislature Conference.Wyoming is one of the most gun-friendly states. The bill passed the state Senate 22-8, dismissing supporters' concerns about allowing guns in areas where they are currently prohibited.Chris Rothfuss, one of the two Democrats in the Wyoming state Senate, opposed the bill, saying he had not heard from teachers or students about the issue. He appealed to the Republican principle that the government closest to the people governs best. Mike Girau, another Democrat in the chamber, also voted against the bill after initially voting for it.Skip past newsletter promotionsUS Morning Briefing breaks down the day's big stories and explains what's happening and why it mattersPrivacy Notice: Newsletters may include information about charities, online advertising, and content funded by external organizations. For more information, see privacy policy. We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and Google. privacy policy and terms of service Apply.After newsletter promotionGordon signed four other bills related to gun rights. One of his measures would prohibit credit card processors from using firearms or firearms-related seller category codes and would prohibit government or private entities from keeping firearm registrations through the use of firearms codes. .Prohibited by other bills red flag gun control law Prohibit enforcement or implementation in Wyoming, amend regulations to make persons with restored firearm rights eligible for concealed carry permits, and reimburse school districts for costs associated with possession of firearms on school property by school personnel. Create an account.President Gordon also ordered state officials to consider allowing concealed carry inside the Wyoming State Capitol and other state buildings.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/23/wyoming-governor-veto-concealed-carry-guns-public-schools Wyoming Governor vetoes bill banning concealed carry in public schools | Wyoming

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