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5 QR code ways teachers can integrate the use of QR codes in Middle Schools


With the need to come up with advanced yet enjoyable learning methods for middle school learners to increase their motivation for learning, the search for the best educational tool to incorporate started.

And by incorporating both traditional and digital educational tools to teach their learners the necessary concepts and skills they need, most of the teachers have yet to tap on the use of digital tools to simplify teaching means.

As convenience and availability are the two significant factors they consider selecting the right digital tool to incorporate, many technology-inclined teachers are considering the use of QR codes as the gateway for students to secure the learning materials and media embedded by scanning them on print paper.

Since more people now know how to scan a QR code right through their smartphone devices, the teachers’ incorporation of the tech enables them to address many learning issues like individually typing in the link of the additional material or media from the activity sheets they are giving.

5 Ways Middle School teachers can integrate the use of QR codes in their classroom

By integrating the use of an advanced free QR code generator with logo online to create the QR codes they need for their classroom, here are 5 notable QR code ways that they implement in their classroom.

Embed them classroom learning activities

With most middle school students seeking a fun and educational means of learning, some teachers are integrating classroom learning activities as part of their class sessions. And as a way to make their activities fun and exciting, they can embed some of the activity materials into a QR code and let their students scan and solve the puzzle or video the code holds.

Add QR codes in your learning sections

As most teachers in middle school always dedicate a space to their learners to learn further while walking around the classroom, adding QR codes in their learning sections can help boost the student’s curiosity and interest in learning.

QR code Attendance Checking

Teachers can integrate the use of QR codes as a new means of checking their student’s attendance by simply letting their students scan their QR code attendance to the designated QR code attendance scanner they place in their classroom.

In this way, students can experience a futuristic way to let their attendance be checked and be educated about how QR codes can simplify some complicated processes and make people’s lives easier by just scanning one.

Attach audio learning guides

With concepts that require audio recordings, middle school teachers can incorporate the use of QR codes to store their audio clippings and create an easy way for students to learn about the topic or subject by simply scanning them and listen to their audio correspondence through their gadgets.

Pin PDF QR codes as a portal for additional learning references

Middle school teachers can also integrate the use of QR codes to serve as a portal of the digital learning references they embed in their learning materials. By integrating the use of them, your learners can have an easy way to easily retrieve the additional learning references by simply scanning them.

How to convert your learning materials into a QR code?

With many learning materials that teachers use to equip their students with the necessary knowledge and skills they need to learn, the use of QR codes can help them easily organize and share the materials their students need to have.

To easily do it, here are 5 simple ways how middle school teachers can convert their learning materials into a QR code.

  1. Go to a QR code generator with logo online as QRTIGER and create an account
  2. Select the category of learning materials you want to convert
  3. Generate as dynamic QR code
  4. Customize your QR code design and test it
  5. Download and place ii in your classroom


Today, QR codes can assist pupils in their learning process in school by incorporating various QR code ideas in the classroom to pique their interest in learning.

By strategically integrating them in the classroom setup, middle school teachers have introduced the future in an ingenious, interactive manner.