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Defying Challenges to Start a Small Business in Trying Times


Starting a small business at any time is daunting. But in the midst of a global pandemic, that challenge is even more pronounced. A shaky economy and changing consumer trends can deter many from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams.

But by taking precautions and following these steps, it’s possible to overcome the obstacles and start a business successfully during uncertain times. So, let’s learn more.

Look for Financial Help

Starting a business in times of economic hardship can be a challenge and require extra steps to ensure success. One of the most important steps is securing adequate financing for your venture. It is essential to thoroughly research loan options and compare interest rates, fees, and payment plans in order to find the best deal.

One option is to apply for a loan from the Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA offers various types of loan programs for entrepreneurs, such as microloans, 7(a) loans, and 504 loans. Each type has different eligibility requirements and can provide different benefits depending on individual needs.

In addition, if you have already started operating as a new business, you may be eligible for employee retention credit. This credit allows employers to claim a tax benefit for retaining workers and paying wages during times of economic hardship.

No matter what type of loan or financial assistance you decide to pursue, it is important to have an understanding of your budget ahead of time. Calculate all the costs associated with your business and make sure that the amount you are borrowing is the right amount of money.

Research the Consumer Market

Researching the consumer market is important for any business, before starting and during your operations. However, with the uncertainty of a pandemic and not knowing when things are going to return to normal, it is especially important to understand the current climate you are operating in.

Stay up-to-date on consumer trends, what products and services people are looking for, and how they’re shopping now. It is likely that many will have turned their attention online, so take some time to think about whether your business can accommodate this and what you need to do before incorporating any changes.

Make sure that your business can meet the needs of customers today while being flexible enough to adapt if things change again.

Think About Your Business Model

If you have had a business model in mind for some time now, the consequences of a global crisis may hinder your process, and you may need to rethink this if you want to be competitive upon launch.


Think about what strategies or services can help keep you afloat in tough times – creating digital offers, lowering prices, offering discounts or promotions, introducing delivery options etc.

It is important to remember that creating a successful business is not a one-time event. You need to be prepared for change and always try to stay ahead of the curve. You must invest in research and development, build relationships with key stakeholders, work on increasing efficiency and productivity, as well as focus on customer service.

Your goal should be to create a business that will last through the difficult times and be successful when they end. Having a well-thought-out business model and strategy that can adapt to different market conditions is essential for success.

Try to Be Flexible

One of the key elements in running a successful business is being flexible. In an ever-changing global environment, it’s important to be able to pivot and adjust quickly.

Making sure that you can adjust your business model and plans easily is essential to maximizing profits and developing a successful venture. If something isn’t working, change it as soon as you can.

And be flexible when looking for new opportunities in new markets, businesses or products and adjust your business model accordingly. This could mean entering a completely new world, but with the right research, you can achieve anything.

Identify Your Strengths

Finally, when starting a business, it’s essential to know what kind of strength or skill sets you bring to the table. What do you excel in? What do others complement you on or ask for your help with? Knowing this will help you identify the type of business you can start that utilizes those qualities.

For instance, if you’re great at organizing and planning, perhaps starting a virtual assistant company is the way to go. Or if networking is one of your strong points, becoming a business consultant may be the best course for you. Once you have identified your strengths, use that knowledge to find a business model that works for you.

Understanding what kind of business would benefit from the skills and talents that come naturally to you is essential in starting a successful venture in trying times.

Final Thoughts

Anything is possible, no matter the circumstances. If you’re passionate about becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business, don’t let anything get in your way. With careful planning and hard work, it is possible to succeed even in trying times. Do your research, set realistic goals, and focus on finding innovative solutions to any obstacles that come your way.

Most importantly, don’t give up! Believe in yourself and your idea and you can make it happen.