Samsung’s CES pressers are always the odd duck. Korean electronics giants generally keep their powder dry when it comes to consumer electronics. After all, it is expected to announce its latest flagship handset – the Galaxy S25 – at the end of January. CES 2025 will continue the company’s TV and equipment tradition. There are also odds and ends like consumer robots that most likely will never see the light of day. Samsung has used the tagline “AI for Everything: Every Day, Everywhere” for the presentation, which starts on January 6 at 2pm PT/5pm ET. That just doesn’t give us much to work with. After all, any company that doesn’t mention AI during a press event will be given to the sharks at Mandalay Bay. However, we have it on good authority that the company will be hard at work on the AI fridge front, come January. Samsung is streaming the presentation live from the newsroom, and you can follow the live coverage here, or catch up on the rest of the CES 2025 event being broadcast here.