Home Tech Tobel ‘teleportation’ for quantum computing is here

Tobel ‘teleportation’ for quantum computing is here

Tobel ‘teleportation’ for quantum computing is here

Quantum computation has a large potential, but faced the problem of scale. For machines like maa useful in real terms, multiple quantum processors should be installed in a single location. This increases the power of the processor but also size, so it is less practical and smoother. Scientists worked a solution that sounded from the scientific fiction series: connect the point of restricted to each other through the “TemplePortation of the patternance” to make the information stronger to make the transmission of information since displayed. Recently, the text of the scientist at Oxford University can send the first quantum algorithm with a separate quantum processor. The two small captures take the opportunity for unique unique properties, and make a computer superior to solve the problem of students that are far from others and shows other logic gates using quantum entanglement. Thanks for this quantum mechanics, a pair of related particles, although in a distance, can show the same country and therefore delivering the same information. If one of the countries change, immediately revealed the oxford scientist using entanglement quantum to deliver basic information between the computer. If your long travel data in this principle, “quantum telephone” said he has occurred. This will not be confused with conventional telephone ideas, which includes exchange of goods with hypothetis in space. In the experiment, the light particles remain in the same place, but entanglement allows the computer “see” other information and work on the algorithm and with the module separated by two meters. The fidelity of the information has a level of 86 percent. This spread architecture result is good enough to be a great line for a large scale technology and quantum internet from the context that has previously appeared, but is limited to the country’s transfer between the system. Oxford University Service is different because it is used for teleportation to make the interaction between the core. “This perseware allows us to effectively ‘Connect the power processor processor effectively into a quantum computer,” more can be recorded.At the quantum engine technology continues to be behind. The problem of scale can be resolved with other machines used for quantum teleportment. Currently, the basic processor can overcome 50 Implicases, quantum information units. Some scientists think of the machine with a capacity to process the thousands of complex.Even to solve a powerful problem to solve problems that are not possible to solve the problem that is impossible to solve the problem It is impossible to solve the problem that is impossible to solve problems that are impossible to solve problems that are impossible to solve problems that are impossible to solve the problem that is impossible to solve the problem that is impossible. Willow, Google Quantum chip, who broke up to the benchmark called the Random sampling in five minutes; This will be taken up to 10 years quadrillion for conventional supercoming to achieve the same results. The story of the origin of the en español cable, and has been translated from Spain.

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