Home Life Style Ways to Combine the Wide-Brimmed Hat Look in Women’s Fashion

Ways to Combine the Wide-Brimmed Hat Look in Women’s Fashion


Hats are in trend today. Hats made from animal skins can be more suitable for a chilly season. Even though they are a coveted outfit accessory, the ones with narrow brims are not that practical for falls or summers as they cannot save you from the sun. But you can achieve this with your wide-brimmed hat effortlessly. And why only expect this when you can trust it to be your savior on your bad hair days. Whether a hairdresser’s fault or your styling mistake, or the role of unpleasant weather behind the messy hair, you don’t have to feel embarrassed and cancel your outings. With hats with wide brims, you can cover any flaw and strut all your way out like a fashion goddess of sorts.

Since the summer is fast approaching in many parts of the country, you know your face and complexion will likely suffer the most due to direct exposure to the sunlight. So if you have to be out on a wintery or sunny day, you can make a wide brim hat your partner in crime, oops, read fun and joy. You may not enjoy the beautiful views on the beach or yacht without them as the harsh rays obstruct your vision, forcing you to squint. A wide-brimmed hat tends to be the perfect solution to all this and other issues. However, you have to get the hat-look right to win your fashion game. Here are some handy suggestions to achieve this.

Face cut and shape

While a brimmed style generally flatters almost every face shape, wide brim might make you look washed out if you have a thin hairline or if your face is small in general. So it will be better to choose something else in that case for an optimal result. Otherwise, you can pick any wide brim design to complement your features without fear or hesitation. You can never go wrong with it.

Outfit choice

The way you choose your hat depends on what kind of outfit you want to wear. When shopping for a hat, make sure your hat perfectly coordinates with youroverall ensemble. For example, a wide brim fedora is great for layering over casual outfits with a relaxed vibe. Imagine yourself in something like cargo pants and a leather jacket. More precisely, while awide-brimmed sunhat can complete a casual ensemble, structured hats like Fedora are great if you desire a sleek look. Make sure you’re wearing something in which your hat doesn’t get in the way, and that fits well. If you cannot figure out how to fix it with your existing wardrobe, you can opt for tailored dresses to suit your unique wide-brimmed hat look.

Wearing style

Wide brim hats make excellent sun guards, and when worn correctly, can protect your face from exposure to the UV radiations of the sun. Wearing such a headpiece from the front of your view is ideal. You will be able to see things lying in front of you and, at the same time, protect your hair and clothing from sweat stains by letting the hat cover your forehead. Besides, position your hat according to your hairstyle, whether long or short. Otherwise,you can become vulnerable to some embarrassing fashion faux pas.

Since the way you wear them makes all the difference, it will be safe to keep yours at hand level on your forehead rather than pushing it too far back on your head. If it’s blocking your vision, it may fall off or, even worse, look a little funny. Ensure that you don’t decide to tilt it below the nape of your neck, as doing so will mean you have to raise your chin relatively high. You may eventually end up looking at the sun directly and feel blurry.

Hair look

Be conscious of overall proportions when pairing a wide-brimmed hat with loose, long hair. Loosely-plated hair gives outfits a carefree vibe, while high ponytails work for funky looks or evening gatherings.Keep in mind that it’s not too tight asthis can take away both attention and mood.If you have short hair, think about what is best for your style when wearing a wide-brimmed hat, as it can provide quite a challenge in this particular case. With long locks, you don’t have to worry. Letyour long, flowing locks peep out of the back and onto your shoulders. It will offset the widest parts of the hat and work with almost every wide brim design, such as fedoras or floppy.

There are countless ways to experience the warmth, style, and feel of the broad brim hats for women. If you want to enjoy your selection, buy it from a reputable hat-making store only. They provide value for money through their exceptional craftsmanship, pricing, materials, and construction. You will not regret picking anything from there.