Home Tech Why do people act odd at the airport

Why do people act odd at the airport

Why do people act odd at the airport

This article was administered from conversation by Creative Common.mans.many license has witnessed an antisocial behavior at the airport or on flight. This may include unpleasant acts such as sleeping on the floor or do the yoga in the flight system like a flight or even trying to reveal the sin of the day, by increasing the incident and flight stupid. The incident causes the phone to reduce or even prohibit the selling alcohol at the airport and aircraft. Ryanair, for example, has called for two beverages in the airport at the airport airport to stop the drunk-in-plane in the aircraft. What airport that makes us different? Let’s look for psychologies.My vacationers feel that adventures start at the airport, put in different frames than normal. He was interested in the beginning of one or two weeks that was relaxed by flourished, but not worried about flying, which might act from alcohol. The airport and airborne cookiers cannot help. As the psychological field of psychology has been showing, very sensitive to the direct environment and can easily be “too much” by the basis and anxiety that can cause irritation, at temporarily. People are most curious people easier to be angry. And edible moods often lead to an angry angry. I see, we also have to look at the airport from psychographic perspective. Psychorgeography learning the effects of emotions and behavior, especially the city environment. In a thin place, we are among two facts, and may not be fully in one place, or other in the world of modern technology, airports can also be seen as a “thin board.” They zone the liminal where the boundaries fade. At the literal level, the national limit is recently. After passing the security, we entered the land-none, among the country. The concept of the board is hazy.in in the same way, the time is a concept that is not at the airport. About to step in the aircraft, we are in the liminal space between two time zones, the leap zone, or even retreated. Some flights in the US-such at the Atlanta to Alabama-Land first than the time of departure, while crossing the time zone. Can arrange our time to give you a sense of control of our lives. This beat may be other sources from other anxiety, the airport is a zone that does not exist, where it is now unhappy. All human can be the future, for flights and adventures in front of her when they reach their destination. The focus of this future often brings frustration, especially if the flight is pending.

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