Home Tech Why does the computer scientist take like magic like ball 8

Why does the computer scientist take like magic like ball 8

Why does the computer scientist take like magic like ball 8

The original version of this story appeared in Charta Magazine.Papapapapapapapapa questions to the 4 magic ball, and will answer yes, no, or something annoying. We think like a child toy, but the theoretical scientists worked the same tool. They often imagine can consult with a hypothesized device that is called direct orcles, and correct, answer a particular question. The experimental that is good is inspiring new algorithms and help computation researchers. Researchers who are requesting their own in the field of computing science are called computing theory of computing. They are concerned about the difficulty that are inside the problem such as some major numbers or finding the shortest path between two points on the network. Some problems easily deal with, others look harder but have an easy solution to check, while others are easy to quantum computers, but cannot understand what is very difficult. Is there anything annoying about a particular problem, or we just don’t be smart enough to get a good solution? Researchers handled the question by sorting the “complexity-in-class issues – an easy problem in one class, and all the issues are easy to check in the classroom between these classes, the Difficulty of computational holder has become, difficult. So in the mid-1970s, some researchers begin to learn what will happen if different computing rules. Here’s a nuk-digit to come in football, an oracles as a device that answers directly anything-or no question about working. It’s not like a ball 8, he always says yes or no, and she always really is advantageous for fiction. In addition, the Oracle given will only respond to a particular type of question, such as “What is the number of this diamond?” Does the fictional device be useful to know the real world? In short, they can open hidden connections between different complexity classes. There is an easy-to-handle, the researcher “P,” and the classroom classes are easy to check, which is called researchers “NP.” Do all the simple issues check it easy to solve? If so, that means NP will be equal to P, and all encryption will be easily crack (among other consequences). The theoretical suspicious complexity that NP is not the same P, but it cannot prove, even if he has tried to hire a relationship between 50 years. with. Researchers have invented an omcles that answer the question that helps solve different problems. In the world that each computer has a hotline to one of the existence, all the simple issues check it is easy to solve, and the P is the same as NP. But it can not be helpful to have no opposite effect. In the world that is illuminated by this oracles, P and NP will be different.

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