Home Life Style How to get a good lighting in the bedroom

How to get a good lighting in the bedroom


The bedroom is the room in the house where a person needs to be most relaxed, not only because that’s where you go to sleep but also because many people enjoy reading books or watching movies. While it is important to have natural light, which is achieved with a large window, artificial light plays an important role in the evening.

Many people do not know the right way to light these spaces, so it is best to go to a lighting store and consult with someone who is an expert in the field. There are many types of lights that can give the space a feeling of spaciousness or if the person wants to make it warmer or cooler.

In the lighting store there are varieties of lights that many times we did not even know existed and are ideal to recreate a space that we saw on the internet or in a magazine. One of the suggestions is to take a picture of what we are looking for or write down the characteristics on a piece of paper so that the seller can provide us with the most complete information possible.

If we are talking about a room, the ideal thing to make the environment warm is, first of all, to paint the ceiling white. This will give amplitude to the space and the light that is installed will be perfectly reflected in the height. It is recommended to use warm lighting, not white but orange or that can be dimmed with a control.

The lighting will depend on the use of the room

This detail is decisive for the choice of lighting and is related to the above mentioned. If a room is used only for sleeping, it is not necessary to place a ceiling light. If this room has windows, then during the day it will get natural lighting and at night two candles will be enough to fulfill its function.

Many people decide to add, in addition to candles in the bedside tables, lighting to a mirror or two small lights at the entrance, as they usually do in hotel rooms. This warm lighting will give a feeling of intimacy and relaxing.

If the room is used as a study, as is often the case in many places, the ideal would be to place a central light on the ceiling and several that give light on the desk when the natural light is gone. In addition to placing a lamp above the desk, it is suggested to place one directly over the desk.

When a person is used to working with natural light, the sudden change of tones can even affect their concentration, for this reason many people try to make their room as close as possible to a warm environment, similar to the outskirts of a park. Many even decide to add plants and paint the walls with warm colors.

Pictures are a good option, they are pleasing to the eye and in some cases small LED lights are added on them to highlight their colors. Lighting does not always have the role of being functional but can also serve to decorate spaces and give life to the environment.

If we talk, for example, of a children’s room, we must take into account that there will be toys there and often, although we do not plan, they will use that space to play. The children’s room should not only be warm but also safe at night, when most of them show fear and decide to sleep with the light on.

The ideal, in these cases, is to place a small light next to their beds that will allow them to fall asleep and also to see what they need to see when they go to sleep. To be able to guide them if they want to go to the bathroom at night or grab a book or toy.

As we have seen, lighting is essential for all the rooms in the house, especially for the bedrooms according to their use. That is why planning and planning how we will illuminate them is essential to be comfortable with the environment and feel at ease every time we are there.