Home Education Penile enlargement surgery to increase the size of the penis

Penile enlargement surgery to increase the size of the penis


Penile enlargement surgery, as the name suggests, is a surgery that is done in order to increase the size of the penis. This surgery has become very popular in the present scenario. Men around the world are very conscious about the size of their penis. A smaller penis may be a cause of self-loathing and low self-confidence among men. This can also lead to them underperforming in bed. It is a common myth that a smaller penis cannot satisfy a woman. There is a lot of hullabaloo regarding this all over the world. But it has been proven that size has nothing to do with pleasure during sexual intercourse. A number of studies have been conducted to support this claim.However, this has not stopped men around the world from going for penile enlargement surgery.

There are a lot of factors that determine the size of a man’s penis. It depends on genetic factors, hormones, one’s lifestyle, nutrition, and other environmental factors. A man’s penis can shrink as a result of a reaction to certain medications or side effects.Whatever the reason may be, there is nothing to worry about. Thanks to advancements in medical science, there exists a medical procedure by which the size of one’s penis can be increased. If you are among those who have been feeling conscious due to the size of your penis or have been having trouble in bed, then you are the perfect candidate to go for penile enlargement surgery.

Penile enlargement surgery is done by the fat injection method. Fat from the stomach region of the pubic region is extracted and this very fat is injected at different points into the penis to enlarge it. Before injecting the fat, it is first purified. This purified fat is injected into the patient under local anesthesia. This surgery calls for a very strict aftercare procedure. Since we are dealing with a very sensitive body part here, it is important to make sure that one is actually taking all the necessary precautions to let this part of one’s body heal completely. One must also be mindful about one’s diet. Go as per the directions of the doctor and you will heal in no time.

The enlarged penis after the penile enlargement surgery functions like that of a normal penis. One can not really make out the difference. Penile size is one of the major concerns amongst men. This concern has been there for ages. As a result, there exist a number of remedies apart from proper surgery. There are several over-the-counter medicines, gels, creams, oils, etc. But the effectiveness of these is very much disputed. But penile enlargement surgery gives definite results. This surgery has a high success rate, and many have undergone it.